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A run away

Hi there, Today I will be sharing something really close to my heart, words that haven't been able to come out of my mouth without tears flowing down my cheeks but I figured it is about time for me to really leave the past behind and let it go. When my life took a downturn 3 years ago, my first thought was to leave the place that was hurting me. Well, I left eventually but I stayed for 2 years, trying to fit in again, before officially leaving. Within those 2 years, all I can recall was the anxiety that comes and goes. Of course, I had my fair share of laughter and good memories by forming stronger bonds with others that I never spoke to before that incident happen but the judgment and labels cast on me had imprinted deeply into my heart. I could no longer go about being my true self without being conscious of what others would think of me. By the end of 2019, I told myself to leave. I finally stood up for myself and made the decision to be done with that place. Honestly, look...

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